
Enables employers or brokers to define a group, their members, and import any existing policies into Clasp. Surface this component to an employer or broker to self-serve their onboarding on to your platform for benefits.

After enrollment is complete, the Component will serve as a centralized interface for administrators to manage, monitor, and analyze all aspects of their company’s benefits program, including plan options, enrolled employees, and usage statistics.


  1. Import the ClaspEmployer from the SDK.
import { ClaspEmployer } from "clasp-components";
  1. Define the components config object.
let claspConfig = {
    employerId: "er_12345"
    apiClient: 'mock'
    employerName: "My Custom Company Name"
    navigation: 'state'
employerIdOptionalStringThe Clasp employer ID. If not passed in, automatically populates with mock data.
employerNameOptionalStringThe name of the employer that you would like to show up in the Component.
apiClientOptionalmock, sandbox, prodmock (default) serves mock data, sandbox calls Clasp’s sandbox endpoints, and prod is to be passed when used in production
navigationOptionalurl, stateurl leverages query params, state (default) is if you manage clasp-components as a controlled component
  1. Call the component and pass in config via props.
<ClaspEmployer config={claspConfig} />